Contact me
Bank House
South Brent
TQ10 9LZ
South Brent (01364) 73685
Professional skills
My working life has seen me undertake several official roles and many more unofficial ones: I am definitely not a ‘jobsworth’.
I am a practical creative with an engineering Master’s degree. After a successful stint in operations, I spent 8½ years as the lead graphic designer for an international group of companies, but I am as happy to have my hands down the drains as on my mouse.
I loathe blowing my own trumpet (and I prefer the tuba anyway), but here are some of my more useful skills.
Graphic design
I enjoy designing logos, icons and layouts. I get great satisfaction from taking a rough concept and turning it into something professional.
I take pride in producing professional documents that look good and communicate effectively.
I enjoy spotting typos, grammatical errors and other mistakes and I have an excellent grasp of English.
Web development
I have created and worked on many websites, large and small, and strive to build attractive, useful sites that visitors want to explore and return to.
Problem solving
I love spotting problems that no-one else has noticed, and finding solutions for them.
Streamlining processes
I have a lot of experience in taking laborious processes and automating or simplifying them, saving time and reducing errors.